music > vinil > TANKARD > Vol(l)ume 14
In 1982 when four longhaired metal-maniacs from Frankfurt am Main, Germany decided to found a band named TANKARD,
nobody expected them to still be going three decades later. Not to mention being at the top of the German thrash metal scene!
• Available as ltd. vinyl in new colours (silver and red/ limited to 200 units each)
• Essential for fans of SODOM, KREATOR and DESTRUCTION.
• Extremely promising sales history.
• TANKARD are one of the longest-serving (founded in 1982) and most important Thrash bands in Germany.
• Digital marketing (sponsored Facebook /Instagram posts, Youtube ads, Display ads/Webbanner)
• Street team/e-team campaign with spreading of flyers/stickers at events/clubs, free download song and more.
1. Time Warp
2. Rules For Fools
3. Fat Snatchers
4. Black Plague (BP)
5. Somewhere In Nowhere
6. The Agency
7. Brain Piercing Of Death
8. Becks In The City
9. Condemnation
10. Weekend Warriors
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