music > vinil > ROUTES (THE) > Skeletons
Hailing from Hita City in Japan this three piece have released a plethora of records already, albums, EPs and singles. They like to label themselves as Stomp 'n' Grind Garage Rock Rhythm and Blues which you'd be correct in thinking is quite the mouthful, pinching a bit from '60s Fuzz & Garage, lending something from Psychedelia and parts of B-movie chic and influences like The Fuzztones, The Sonics, eel pie island hipster - yes, there are elements of all in this and that's no bad thing.
You get eleven tracks plus three bonus tunes here and straight from the start they pull no punches as 'At The Bottom' gets its groove on and a theme continues with very traditional sounds and guitar breaks and a vocal fuzz not a million miles away from a youthful Mr. Jagger.
It's as early as track three for the obligatory instrumental as 'El Asesino' drifts past me and gets the skip treatment thereafter. I do like the vibe on the title track as it gets groovy - it might lack originality and be style over substance but it is also done really well and there are tracks that stand out like 'Unkind' that motors along and has a cool hook about its chorus.
I guess it's not a million miles from the Rhythm and Blues being knocked out by those youngsters The Strypes, maybe a little more retro and fuzzy but it's batting for the same team.
Fifty years ago 'Better Off' would have been a hit on both sides of the Atlantic as they usher in some Kinks-like story telling. Then it's off to Detroit for a little on 'In A Hole'. To close the shebang down they have Mike Spenser on board and some honking harmonica hooting is a splendid idea as 'Be My Jane' kicks up a shit storm with some great playing and a great guitar solo to boot.
The Routes will be around for ever I think, they aren't about to pay any attention to musical trends and are happy doing their thing oblivious of what others think and I'm sure if you were to see them live knocking out these songs it would be a great night out indeed. Good stuff in a retro kinda way.
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