Lusitanian Ghosts
LP12 Vinil (Edição de Autor)
Available from 28/07/2020
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22.90 €
"Onde o passado se cruza com o futuro: uma missão para preservar e promover a cultura musical portuguesa, adaptando as anciãs violas regionais populares ao rock n roll internacional."
Um país milenar com raízes etno-musicais que ultrapassam os séculos. Instrumentos cordofones quase esquecidos pelo mundo, com nomes tão apaixonantes quanto as suas variadas afinações: a Amarantina, Beiroa, Toeira, Braguesa, Terceira ou Campaniça.
Neil Leyton, cantautor de rock n roll Luso-Canadiano, juntamente com o seu amigo Sueco, Micke Ghost, funda o projecto Lusitanian Ghosts: um colectivo de artistas dedicado à experimentação e integração destes cordofones na gravação de um álbum verdadeiramente inédito, casando o rock n roll internacional com os cordofones Lusófonos, reunindo num só disco as suas sonoridades díspares. Gravado nos estúdios Canoa, com produção de Ricardo Ferreira (Blim Records), neste disco homónimo, os Lusitanian Ghosts são Neil Leyton, na voz, baixo, acústica, Beiroa; Micke Ghost, nas guitarras eléctricas e Amarantina; João Sousa na bateria e percussões; Vasco Ribeiro Casais aka OMIRI na Braguesa, Nyckelharpa; João Morais aka O Gajo na Campaniça; e Abel Beja (Primitive Reason) na Terceirense.
Com o apoio à edição da DGartes, o disco tem como capa uma pintura a óleo da autoria de Alexandre Alonso.
“Past Laurels” is a catchy gem that wouldn’t be out of place on Pulp’s Different Class. – Paste Magazine
Experimentalism is alive and well in pop music today, and nowhere is it being exhibited with more catharsis and genuine dedication than in Lusitanian Ghosts. If you’re a fan of provocative, intellectually stimulating rock music, this is a must-listen album that I highly recommend.
– Mindy McCall, No Depression
“You don’t need a degree in music (or ancient history) to appreciate the sonic riches of Lusitanian Ghosts, the Portuguese-Canadian collective of stringed-instrument musicians. You can bask in the richness of their sound without knowing a Beiroa from an upright bass. All you need is to hear the group play “Past Laurels” and you will be enticed into learning more. In a nutshell, Lusitanian Ghosts make modern masterpieces using rare (even medieval) instruments. The result is a mystifying sound you simply cannot find anywhere else. Even their band name is taken from ancient soil, as Lusitania was what the Romans called the region where this group began. Just don’t expect them to sound like they’re from Portugal. Frontman Neil Leyton returned to his birth city in 2008 after living in Toronto and London, so the band’s sound is unmistakably Canadian. It’s a guitar-driven, heady rock-pop anthem with unexpected lyrical references (“Encyclopedia Brittanica” and “idealistic futurism”, anyone?) that work. Don’t be deceived by the low-key beginning here: “Past Laurels” has plenty of bite.” – The Revue, Canada
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