Live at Big Dipper

LP12 Vinil

Available from 06/08/2020

22.00 €

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Led by Wino, the godfather of American Doom Metal, The Obsessed is one of the important bands in the history and evolution of the style. For the band's 40th anniversary in 2020, we proudly present an authorized live bootleg of Wino's favorite show the original lineup ever played. As Wino says, "It's raw and noisy and took some cleanin'up, but here it is. If it ain't heavy, it ain't shit!!!" 1. Lifer City (live)
2. Field of Hours (Live)
3. Iron and Stone (Live)
4. Endless Circles (Live)
5. Leather Nuns (Live)
6. Decimation (Live)
7. Freedom (Live)
8. Mental Kingdom (Live)
9. Failsafe (Live)
10. Kill Ugly Naked (Demo)
11. A World Apart (Demo)
12. Higher Power (Demo)
13. Neatz Brigade (Demo)

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