music > vinil > WITCHCRAFT > Eternal Sea
EDGED CIRCLE PRODUCTIONS are proud to announce the first ever official release of a demo which has been buried by time and dust for decades. Only available on 300 black vinyl copies, but of course also through digital stream finally with revamped master from the original tapes. “Eternal Sea” will see its long-awaited release on the 6th of September.
Split, Croatia, Yugoslavia 1988:
Dejan Katalenic ignites the Speed Metal band Witchcraft. They quickly finish ten songs and record them, releasing seven of them early 1989 as a demo in ten copies. Nine of these tapes were according to legend send to western labels. The market for the music itself was there, but no Yugoslav record companies were allowed to release music with these kinds of lyrics at the time. One tape ended up in King Diamond’s possession providing influence for his 1990´s album The Eye. Another copy ended up influencing Sepultura’s intro for their 1989 album classic Beneath the Remains. Not a bad result for 10 copies of Croatian Speed Metal. Unfortunately, the band never heard back from any of the recipients of the demos. Fast forward a couple of years, the iron curtain drops and Witchcraft lives on in various line ups over the years, but always led by Dejan Katalenic.
Finally available in a well-deserved proper format after 36 years.
Included in this new release are the three extra tracks recorded in the same session. So it’s kind of old, but at the same time brand new.
Listening to the demo today it seems crazy that these songs aren’t more known. It’s experimental, it’s versatile and it’s fantastic. Just like many of the more known east block bands from the same era it has an originality that most bands can only dream of. Get inspired, listen to a real story and fall into the ETERNAL SEA.
Intro / Burn Witch / Seventh Sabbath / Odyssey / Pray To Die
Trust In Evil / Sinful Nun / To Hell And Back / Den Of Vice / Eternal Sea
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