
LP12 Vinil (Lovers & Lollypops)

Available from 07/08/2023

25.00 €

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Thrash'n'roll! Heavy boots hitting gravel, guitars raised high while the bass lays low, thick smoke, dim lights and over 666 beers spilled amongst body, floor, and counter, the holiest of trinities, three elements of the same substance, of the same substances, for if thy counter can bear the body, the body can endure thy floor.
Emerging from the peak of the pandemic, when night escapades were punished by law, Cobrafuma is a misfit gang of Porto proto-veterans who heeded the Cobra's call amidst sketchy malls and rock'n'roll bars with sticky floors.
In the eponymous brawl, the sound is tough as steel and brimming with venom, slithering between genres that answer to no one: punk, thrash, and rock 'n' roll, hissed in Smooth Portuguese and liberally drenched in unlabeled moonshine, to bang your head as if there were no tomorrow.
- Toni das Trevash

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