Return of the Dream Canteen
LP12 Double Vinil (Deluxe) (Warner)
Available from 14/10/2022
Also Available in CD
, LP12 Double Vinil
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39.90 €
Os Red Hot Chili Peppers anunciaram recentemente o seu novo álbum de estúdio, intitulado "Return of the Dream Canteen", que será lançado no próximo dia 14 de outubro, através da Warner Records. O anúncio surpresa foi realizado no Empower Field, em Denver, no âmbito do arranque da nova perna norte-americana da atual digressão mundial de estádios, que tem sido, de resto, bastante aclamada pela crítica.
O lançamento de "Return of the Dream Canteen" assinalará o segundo álbum da banda em 2022 e surge na sequência de "Unlimited Love", que foi lançado em abril deste ano. Este será também o segundo álbum produzido por Rick Rubin e reforça, assim, a reputação da banda que se encontra em pleno auge da sua carreira, navegando na crista de uma inegável onda criativa.
“We went in search of ourselves as the band that we have somehow always been. Just for the fun of it we jammed and learned some old songs. Before long we started the mysterious process of building new songs. A beautiful bit of chemistry meddling that had befriended us hundreds of times along the way. Once we found that slip stream of sound and vision, we just kept mining. With time turned into an elastic waist band of oversized underwear, we had no reason to stop writing and rocking. It felt like a dream. When all was said and done, our moody love for each other and the magic of music had gifted us with more songs than we knew what to do with. Well we figured it out. 2 double albums released back to back. The second of which is easily as meaningful as the first or should that be reversed. 'Return of the Dream Canteen' is everything we are and ever dreamed of being. It’s packed. Made with the blood of our hearts, yours truly” - Red Hot Chili Peppers.
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