The 1980s are considered the innovative heyday of heavy metal, and while England was launching the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, German bands were harkening back to early heroes such as Scorpions and Accept. DEATH WARRANT and CUTTY SARK were among the first bands in this cluster, and throughout their albums they convey an atmosphere of renewal that never repeats itself. EXPLODER, SUDDEN DEATH and MYSTERY released their LPs in the second half of the 1980s, showing how diversified and established “German metal” was already. The five LPs are provided in the complete Golden Core package: with a printed insert and specially mastered. In addition, all the albums have been carefully remastered by Andreas “Neudi” Neuderth. As single releases, the LPs have all received excellent reviews in top magazines. Exploder was also released on Deaf Forever.
The 1980s are considered the innovative heyday of heavy metal, and while England was launching the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, German bands were harkening back to early heroes such as Scorpions and Accept. DEATH WARRANT and CUTTY SARK were among the first bands in this cluster, and throughout their albums they convey an atmosphere of renewal that never repeats itself. EXPLODER, SUDDEN DEATH and MYSTERY released their LPs in the second half of the 1980s, showing how diversified and established “German metal” was already. The five LPs are provided in the complete Golden Core package: with a printed insert and specially mastered. In addition, all the albums have been carefully remastered by Andreas “Neudi” Neuderth. As single releases, the LPs have all received excellent reviews in top magazines. Exploder was also released on Deaf Forever.
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