music > vinil > EVILTONES (The) > Telekinetic
The heaven sent, hell bent, holy ghosts of garage deliver twin sermons from a double barreled beast of a first release. A smoldering brimstone bawler, aflame with the conviction of an exorcist, duels with the sure-shot licks and razor sharp tricks of the finest fireball guitar this side of the grave. Preaching the blues with vamped up, ramped up voodoo grooves; The Eviltones step into the light and take you on a white knuckle ride into the heart of darkness. For more info about the band, click here.
FOR FANS OF: Nuggets compilations, The Hives, White Stripes, Rocket From the Crypt, Gun Club, The Horrors…
Technical Details :
Recorded at Hypermonosonic Recordings, Nottingham, UK
Mixed and Produced by Tiago Queiroz @ Hypermonosonic Recordings, UK
Executive Production by Ana Galhardo
Artwork Cover by Indy Fontana
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