Title : Nirvana – Nevermind : 30th Anniversary Edition. Format : Vinyl & 7” Single. Label : Geffen / UMC. Cat Num : 3846123. Barcode : 0602438461233
Release Date : November 12th 2021
Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Nirvana’s seminal 1991 release.
Nevermind raised groundbreaking Seattle grunge trio Nirvana to the status of godhead, forever changing the face of the pop music market. Punk energy and aesthetic (Territorial Pissings, Drain You) are its lifeblood; pop melody, harmony, and structure (Something in the Way, Come as You Are) its selling points; Kurt Cobain’s roaring guitars and subconscious intellect (Smells Like Teen Spirit, In Bloom) its heart and soul. Nobody had come up with an album like Nevermind before, because no one could conceive of an album like it – not since Husker Du had broken up, anyway.
The 1LP version has been expanded to a premium tip-on gatefold jacket for the first time and includes a brand new 7-inch vinyl.
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