Seven years in the making, the ultimate documentary on the legend, Lee "Scratch" Perry. Directed and produced by celebrated independent filmmakers Ethan Higbee (Red Apples Falling, The Anti-Fascist, Basedworld) and Adam Bhala Lough (Bomb The System, Weapons, The Carter ) and narrated by Academy Award-winning actor Benicio Del Toro, The Upsetter is a captivating, unparalleled exploration charting 70 years in the life of the Godfather of Reggae and the man behind Bob Marley - Lee "Scratch" Perry. Seven years in the making, the film features musical tracks and iconic archival footage selected from throughout Perry's extensive career. ++ The next great Reggae movie ++ From the makers of The Carter, Bomb the System and the forthcoming Basedworld ++ Narrated by Academy-Award Winner Benicio Del Toro ++ English subtitles
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