A Rastilho aceita as seguintes formas de pagamento em Portugal e Ilhas (Madeira e Açores):
- Cobrança | Contra-Reembolso
- Multibanco (envio Registado, em Correio Azul e Correio Normal)
- Transferência Bancária
- MB Way
- Paypal (envio Registado e em Correio Normal)
- Entrega Directa, Sem Portes (em Leiria)
The payment methods accepted are the following:
- Credit | Debit Card via Paypal: Quick, easy and secure.
- Credit | Debit Card via Paypal: Quick, easy and secure.
- Paypal: Quick, easy and secure. Pay by PayPal with your credit or debit card. Fees may apply. Please note: the payment is NOT automatic, you have to wait our reply and further info.
- Bank Transfer: We accept bank transfers from most of Europeans banks. After you place your order in our website, we´ll send you via e-mail our IBAN and BIC code. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. All payments must be Euros funds.
- Western Union: We accept Western Union payments. After you place your order in our website, we´ll contact you with more info about Western Union payments. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. We recommend Western Union as an alternative to Paypal | Credit Card payments, especially in Eastern Europe. All payments must be Euros funds.
- Western Union: We accept Western Union payments. After you place your order in our website, we´ll contact you with more info about Western Union payments. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. We recommend Western Union as an alternative to Paypal | Credit Card payments, especially in Eastern Europe. All payments must be Euros funds.
- Credit | Debit Card via Paypal: Quick, easy and secure.
- Paypal: Quick, easy and secure. Pay by PayPal with your credit or debit card. Fees may apply. Please note: the payment is NOT automatic, you have to wait our reply and further info.
- Bank Transfer: We accept bank transfers from most of Europeans banks. After you place your order in our website, we´ll send you via e-mail our IBAN and BIC code. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. All payments must be Euros funds.
- Western Union: We accept Western Union payments. After you place your order in our website, we´ll contact you with more info about Western Union payments. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. We recommend Western Union as an alternative to Paypal | Credit Card payments, especially in Eastern Europe. All payments must be Euros funds.
- Western Union: We accept Western Union payments. After you place your order in our website, we´ll contact you with more info about Western Union payments. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. We recommend Western Union as an alternative to Paypal | Credit Card payments, especially in Eastern Europe. All payments must be Euros funds.
- Credit | Debit Card via Paypal: Quick, easy and secure.
- Paypal: Quick, easy and secure. Pay by PayPal with your credit or debit card. Fees may apply. Please note: the payment is NOT automatic, you have to wait our reply and further info.
- Western Union: We accept Western Union payments. After you place your order in our website, we´ll contact you with more info about Western Union payments. Your order will begin processing once payment is received. We recommend Western Union as an alternative to Paypal | Credit Card payments, especially in Eastern Europe. All payments must be Euros funds.