G.B.H., named after British police shorthand for "charged with grievous bodily harm") is one of the longest-lived punk bands in English history, grandfathers of the Oi! movement and perhaps England's most direct sonic precursors to American hardcore. Unlike some previous collections with similar titles, this three-disc set actually does bring together all of the recordings the fledgling band made for the scrappy indie label Clay Records in the late '70s and early '80s. Even at their earliest and rawest, these recordings reveal a band that has its grimy paws firmly clasped on a great sound, a blend of the punk rock that had quickly flowered and influence a whole genre of music.
1: Race Against Time
2: Knife Edge
3: Lycanthropy
4: Necrophilia
5: State Executioner
6: Dead On Arrival
7: Generals
8: Freak
9: Alcohol
10: No Survivors
11: Self Destruct
12: Big Women
13: Sick Boy
14: Slit Your Own Throat
15: Am I Dead Yet
16: Time Bomb
17: Sick Boy (Album Version)
18: Wardogs
19: Slut
20: Maniac
21: Gunned Down
22: I Am The Hunted
23: City Baby Attacked By Rats
24: The Prayer Of A Realist
25: Passenger On The Menu
26: Heavy Discipline
27: Boston Babies
28: Bellend Bop
1: Give Me Fire
2: Mantra
3: Catch 23
4: Hellhole
5: Diplomatic Immunity
6: Drugs Party In 526
7: See The Man Run
8: Vietnamese Blues
9: Womb With A View
10: The Forbidden Zone
11: Valley Of Death
12: City Baby’s Revenge
13: Pins And Needles
14: Christianised Cannibals
15: Faster Faster
16: High Octane Fuel
17: I Feel Alright
18: Skanga (Herby Weed)
19: Do What You Do
20: Four Men
21: Children Of Dust
22: Do What You Do (Concrete Mix)
1: Sick Boy
2: Maniac
3: Mantrap
4: Time Bomb
5: Necrophilia
6: Hellhole
7: I Am The Hunted
8: Generals
9: Catch 23
10: Give Me Fire
11: City Baby Attacked By Rats
12: No Survivors
13: Alcohol
14: Bellend Bop
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