Wake The Dead

CD (Victory)

Available from 04/05/2010

15.20 €

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COMEBACK KID have gained more momentum in the heavy musicscene this year than most bands do their whole career. With the 2003 release of their debut album, Turn It Around, and tours in North America,Europe, Australia, and Japan under their belts, the world is learning that COMEBACK KID are a force to be reckoned with. Originally formed as a side project to the Canadian hardcore act, FIGURE FOUR, the passion and energy of COMEBACK KID quickly took precedence and made them a full-time priority. Metal/Hardcore website Lambgoat.com stated, "these guys know how to play proficient, rewarding hardcore...this is one of the most solid releases I've heard in a long, long while." With a full-time label behind them, COMEBACK KID are unstoppable, and their debut album on VICTORY RECORDS, Wake The Dead, is a must-have for every fan of hard music with a message.

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