The hunt

CD (Nuclear Blast)

Available from 25/05/2012

Also Available in LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured) (View All)

8.90 €

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In the form of “The Hunt”, Swedish riff gods GRAND MAGUS report back impressively! With their sixth studio album and likewise Nuclear Blast debut, the metal purists manage to better their highly celebrated 2010 masterpiece “Hammer Of The North” easily. The trio from Stockholm has always consequently sticked to its own path of evolution without ever leaving behind the gathered experiences – they’ve never casted off their early days’ pumping groove nor their love for epic doom or extreme metal. These trademarks are now being paired with traditional riffs and melodies that rock in the same qualitative league as Judas Priest or Dio have. “The Hunt” was produced by Nico Elgstrand, who managed to put an authentic 70s mark on the record. The guitars roar, the rhythm front around the new drummer Ludwig (Spiritual Beggars and others) grooves as hell and JB outgrows himself as far as the vocals are concerned. Thus, the trio has created a phenomenal and impressive heavy metal opus! GRAND MAGUS was founded by JB Christofferson (vocals/guitars) and Mats “Fox” Skinner (bass) in 1996. Two years later, Fredrik “Trisse” Liefvendahl joined them on the drums and the combo released two demos. In November of 2001 the self-titled debut album – obviously inspired by the late creative period of bands such as Black Sabbath or Deep Purple - was put on the European and US market. “Monument” (2003) and “Wolf’s Return” (2003) followed and could reap rave reviews in the press. In the course of this, the guys refined their style and distinctly started turning to stronger metal influences without denying their roots. With “Iron Will” (2008) the trio gained perfect scores in the specialist press again and was able to win the Metal Hammer Germany sound check. The Swedes’ latest output “Hammer Of The North” turned out to become a milestone within the band history. Once more the heavy metal heroes were overwhelmed with lavish praise and won the sound checks of both German Rock Hard and Metal Hammer magazines. Furthermore, the record vaulted the band to rank 42 of the German album charts. Now the Scandinavians go the extra mile with “The Hunt”. In May, the motto will be: Break cover, go in and win – the wolves are back! 

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