music > cd > ABIGAIL WILLIAMS > The accuser
the new album from black metal's most unpredictable band is the album founder Sorceron was meant to write. Corrosive and grim, it may quickly be viewed as the bands best effort since their genesis in Los Angeles in 2004. Taking nearly three years to write and record, The Accuser is an evocative album that uses the three hundred year old story from which the band and album take their name to its lyrical core. It is bleak, dark, and absolutely entertaining. Featuring artwork by Portland-based illustrator Stevie Floyd, The Accuser features guest appearances from Charlie Fell (Lord Mantis, Nachtmystium, Cobalt), Will Lindsay (Wolves In The Throne Room, Nachtmystium, Indian), Jeff Wilson (Wolvhammer, ex Nachtmystium), and Neill Jameson (Krieg, Twilight).
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