

Available from 21/05/2021

17.50 €

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In regards to Inceste, the band states, "Inceste is an interpretation of the works of French aristocrat Marquis de Sade. We wanted to make a record that was sordid, invasive, and child like at times. Extreme highs and lows are everywhere on this EP. The music always reflects the lyrics. Nothing on Inceste is stable. Everything instrument bends and twists and wrenches, forcing its way inside of you."
A quote from a recent No Clean Singing review perfectly descibes IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT's descent further into depravity with this release: “[Imperial Triumphant is]... a sickening scintillation of the surreal and the sadistic that together conjure an evocative glimpse into hell." 1. Libertine
2. Kaleidoscopic Orgies
3. Oblivion in Morsels
4. Breath of Innocence
5. Krokodil (Chorus)
6. Nefertiti (Miles Davis -Bass Cover)
7. Breath of Innocence (Chorus)
8. La Douleur Exquise (The Exquisite Pain)

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