Released in February 1984, a little over six months after its predecessor, "Hail To England" arrived amid sky-high expectations, not least because by this point MANOWAR were notorious around the world as self-proclaimed guardians of an entire genre. Luckily, the album itself was more than equipped to blow people’s heads off all over again.
35 years later, "Hail To England" has been revived and revitalised by producer Joey DeMaio himself. It might be hard to believe that an album as righteous and monumental as this could ever be improved, but if one thing has defined MANOWAR’s unrelenting march to glory, it has been a tireless devotion to delivering the goods on a level that makes everyone else’s efforts look pathetic. 
Crank up the enhanced "Hail To England" to life-threatening volume and witness the sound of an immaculate heavy metal monolith erupting with newfound power and punch. 
This is heavy fucking metal in its purest form and no one does it better. Hail MANOWAR

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