

CD (Dead Oceans)

Available from 27/06/2025
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After more than a decade of music-making,Durand Jones & The Indications have blossomed as aunit and are basking in their successes. On their aptlytitled new album, Flowers, The Indications unfurl theirtrue colors embracing all their roots and influences,maturation and confidence, and share them with theworld.Since forming in 2012, the road has taken TheIndications from those origins at Indiana University,Bloomington to the global stage, selling out showsacross Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to theWest Coast where DJI has a strong following amongthe lowrider and vintage soul enthusiasts.For as far as Durand Jones & The Indicationshave come, Flowers grew from the desire to return totheir roots in a Bloomington basement, a space wherethey first found camaraderie in gritty funk and Southernsoul that would inspire their self-titled debut.Pulling sonically and spiritually from each of thegroup's previous releases and solo work, Flowers is thenext stage of DJI's inspired soulful discography. DJI arenot only accepting their flowers, but indulging in theirsweet and sexy fragrance.

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