music > cd > LA LA LA RESSONANCE > Faust
(PAD01712) CD | DL
“When we first watched Faust, Murnau’s last german film and bastion of the expressionism, we admired that which seemed to be the antithesis of La la la ressonance’s universe: an oneiric and caricatural game of light, drama, convulsion and spectacularity.
We wrote the original soundtrack based on this first impression, defining a parallel musical narrative. Instead of submitting to the original content of the film, we dealt, either ironically or reverently, with Faust’s character and its possible portrait as a great collection of people and their ghosts. Made famous by Goethe, revisited by Paul Valéry, Fernando Pessoa, Thomas Mann or Wagner, Berlioz, Schumann and Liszt, Faust is simultaneously people and myth, where the metaphysical conflict between good and evil coexist as well as blind love, lust and tragedy.
We decided to transform this epic adventure in La la la ressonance’s third album, creating an exaggerated and hyperbolic world, going along with Dr. Faust across his own history, getting into the shoes of this somber alchemist in his search for power and virtue. We made this myth-man smile in the presence of the storm that Murnau prepared for him in the mega studio of his super production, just before letting him run, overwhelmed, into the arms of his beloved Gretchen, disregarding the presence of the devil himself or the pageantry of the arpeggios and chromaticisms that Liszt devoted to him.
In the transposition into the album format and in a phase of re-composition of the themes (now deprived of the film’s colours – sworn by some to be black and white!) we invited Luís Fernandes – The Astroboy to transform scenarios and real landscapes into electronic abstractions, towards a narrative that wanders uncompromisingly between the meaning of life and a random splinter.”
La La La Ressonance
Faust inaugurates the connection between La la la resonance and PAD. With edition set for April 2012, the band revisits its universe that mixes with acknowledged mastery the ingredients of jazz and contemporary music with the edges of rock, assuming, with the third album, a more progressive and electronic drift.
Recorded by José Arantes, mixed and co-produced with Paulo Miranda at the AMP Studio and mastered by Roger Seibel (the man behind Sun Ra’s Faith in a pleasant mood and Space is the place and Tortoise’s TNT and Standards) at the SAE mastering studio, Faust will get to the public in two formats: digipack and a limited edition of 250 copies with a surprising mineral packaging (developed and produced with the support of the Pottery Museum of Barcelos).
“Quando nos sentamos a ver Faust, o último filme alemão de Murnau e baluarte do expressionismo, admiramos aquilo que parecia ser a antítese do universo dos La la la ressonance: um jogo onírico e caricatural de luz, drama, convulsão e espectacularidade.
Compusemos uma banda sonora original a partir desta impressão inicial, definindo uma linha narrativa musical paralela, que em vez de se submeter ao conteúdo formal do filme, antes trata – ora com ironia, ora com reverência – a personagem de Faust e o seu retrato possível, enquanto grande colecção de pessoas e respectivos fantasmas. Celebrizado por Goethe, revisitado por Paul Valéry, Fernando Pessoa, Thomas Mann ou Wagner, Berlioz, Schumann e Liszt, Faust é simultaneamente gente e mito, onde habita o conflito metafísico entre o bem e o mal, o amor cego, a lúxuria e a tragédia.
Decidimos transformar esta aventura épica no 3o álbum de originais de La la la ressonance, criando um mundo extremado e hiperbólico, acompanhando Dr. Faust – o sombrio alquimista em busca de poder e virtude – na travessia da sua própria história, calçando os seus sapatos e vendo pelos seus olhos. Levamos este homem-mito a rir-se entredentes da tempestade que Murnau lhe preparou no mega-estúdio da sua super-produção, para logo a seguir o deixarmos correr extasiado para os braços da amada Gretchen, indiferente à companhia do demónio em pessoa ou ao aparato dos arpejos e cromatismos que Liszt lhe dedicou.
Na tradução para o formato álbum e numa fase final da re-composição dos temas (órfãos que ficamos das cores do filme – que já ouvimos jurar ser a preto e branco) convidamos Luís Fernandes – The Astroboy a trocar cenários e paisagens reais por abstracções electrónicas, na direcção de uma narrativa que salta descomprometidamente entre o sentido da vida e um estilhaço sem regra.”
La la la ressonance.
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