1. Marching Over Blood
2. Seed of Evil
3. Divide and Conquer
4. Control the Twisted Mind
5. In the Grave
6. Terror Is My Scream
7. Pit of Snakes
8. Kneel to the Gun
9. Lost Dignity
10. White Wizard
If Suicidal Angels taught us anything over the past couple of years, it's gotta be that fine thrash metal doesn`t have to stem from the Bay Area or the Ruhr area / Germany in order to damage your neck muscles!!! Since their debut Eternal Domination was released in 2007, this Greek bunch continues to prove with every album how do to things the old school way Singer Nick recalls: "We recorded from the middle of the summer to fall of 2013. Being more specific, we started with the pre-production, done at Zero Gravity Studios, based in Athens, middle of July. It was a really tough period, since all the details of the actual recordings, should be sorted out, so that we are 200% ready to get in the studio, focused, so as to record the album. Middle August, Music Factory and Prophecy Studios welcomed us for one more time. From 2009 and 3 albums later, there was nothing weird to expect. One last step, but one of the most important ones, is the mix and master, this time done by Fredrik Nordstrom at Fredman Studios. We didn't know what to expect for the final result, but what we got is killer.
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