Grammy-nominated Cradle of Filth have been pioneers of extreme music since their debut in 1994. Never shy to embrace the epic, they have constantly sought to push the boundaries of their art. Unafraid of ruffling a few feathers, the band have continually refused to bow to convention or to conform to prevalent trends and fads. Yet despite this uncompromising stance, the band are still the most successful British heavy metal band since Iron Maiden, with legions of fans around the globe! Cradle of Filth continue to shock, excite, disgust and inspire in equal measures. Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa, the latest chapter of the band’s dark history, is their ninth studio album and one of their fastest and most brutal yet. As an acquaintance of the band so aptly noted, this is like “Iron Maiden on crack in a graveyard of angels!”.
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