The Black Angels are excited to reveal Clear Lake Forest, featuring 7 entirely new tracks. Guitarist Christian Bland invites listeners to accompany the band on a sonic odyssey: After roaming through the Indigo Meadow, the time has come to journey to the Clear Lake Forest, where 7 tales of diamonds, executioners, and other strange occurrences await underneath the crystal waves lapping in the lake. It follows their album Indigo Meadow (2013) where once again The Black Angels proved themselves the undisputed avatars of contemporary psychedelic rock, simultaneously exalting the genres kaleidoscopic past as they thrust it further into the future. The band brought new focus to their wide-ranging songcraft, the righteous riffs and dogmatic drones gaining increased power as they fuel a more expansive emotional terrain. Imagine tossing bands from the pantheon of American psychedelia like The Electric Prunes, Count Five, 13th Floor Elevators and The Seeds into your blender, adding a splash of Sabbath and a dollop of early Soundgarden or Mudhoney, and youve got Austins The Black Angels. - Associated Press.
Product Description
Finally released on CD! Tasty 7-tracker from 2014 by the tremendous Texan psych tykes, of all-exclusive material.
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