Amber galactic

CD (Nuclear Blast)

Available from 24/03/2017

16.90 €

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Björn Strid, the infamous singer of SOILWORK, made a name for himself as one of the best metal vocalists out there around the turn of the millennium. What no one expected was that had been hiding a classic rock heart behind that titanium ribcage of his for quite some time.
We, the NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA, will continue to push the boundaries of classic rock; we will continue with the unecessarily catchy choruses, the unecessary solos, the atmospherics that no one will understand but us, and the female voices that seem to stem from your unconscious.
Will you be there for us? We probably won't be there for you, but since when did rock-star public availability ever become classic?
You'll see us in the videos, during the shows and in the mug shots from Palm Springs.

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