This split was originally supposed to be released about a year earlier, much to everyone's dissatisfaction we had to wait. However, it was worth it. The Baroness tracks are both solid, however the Unpersons steal this one. While Baroness brags insane-awesome guitar wailing, their songs aren't really that much different structurally or rhythmically from their earlier EP's (First and Second). While its all tighter, it has the feel that they've been writing the same song all along, just making it better every time. If you get the chance see them live, they seem to pulsate with their music. The Unpersons tracks are heavy, but their songs are much more sporadic and have gotten more erotic and sophisticated since their previous release (III). These tracks may turn off your traditional metal fan, but after several listens and you will digest the tracks for what they are... Unadulterated awesomeness! My favorite track is probably "Dry Hand." If like them check out the Dazzling Killmen, I think of the unpersons like a much more lysergicly enraged descendant of them. And if you've got the right Savannah connections look into I Saw My Body... Dead, featuring the drummer of the Unpersons (currently working with Kylesa) and a few other fine freaks. All in all this split is a great listen (and no surprise the artwork rules).
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