Sargeist is a Finnish black metal band formed in 1999. Originally created as a solo project by Shatraug of the Finnish black metal act Horna. Both musically and lyrically, Sargeist stays close to the roots of Scandinavian "old school" black metal. Lyrical subjects thus often deal with Satanism and anti-Christian blasphemy, as well as darkness, depression, misanthropy and hate. The band's name combines the two German words, "sarg" (coffin) and "geist" (spirit, ghost), and derives from the song "The Old Coffin Spirit" by the black metal band Rotting Christ. The CDs included are - Satanic Black Devotion (2003), In Ruin And Despair (split with Horned Almighty, 2004), Tyranny Returns (2001), Disciple Of The Heinous Path (2005), Let The Devil In (2010). This release makes a perfect addition for any diehard fan, or as an introduction to any newcomers recently discovering these often overlooked black metal gems.
Sargeist is a Finnish black metal band formed in 1999. Originally created as a solo project by Shatraug of the Finnish black metal act Horna. Both musically and lyrically, Sargeist stays close to the roots of Scandinavian "old school" black metal. Lyrical subjects thus often deal with Satanism and anti-Christian blasphemy, as well as darkness, depression, misanthropy and hate. The band's name combines the two German words, "sarg" (coffin) and "geist" (spirit, ghost), and derives from the song "The Old Coffin Spirit" by the black metal band Rotting Christ. The CDs included are - Satanic Black Devotion (2003), In Ruin And Despair (split with Horned Almighty, 2004), Tyranny Returns (2001), Disciple Of The Heinous Path (2005), Let The Devil In (2010). This release makes a perfect addition for any diehard fan, or as an introduction to any newcomers recently discovering these often overlooked black metal gems.
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