The newest full-length book in the Black Metal Cult series, following on the good work in Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult and Black Metal: The Cult Never Dies Vol. One. Designed to be read as either a separate work or as part of the series and presented with a somewhat more old school aesthetic.
300 pages and 21 chapters of brand new and exclusive material, with long, detailed and dare we say definitive interviews of another horde of compelling artists... 22 to be exact: FURIA, MASSEMORD, 1349, FORGOTTEN WOODS, TSJUDER, NOCTURNAL DEPRESSION, VEMOD, ONE TAIL, ONE HEAD, MYSTIFIER, BLACK ALTAR, BESATT, MORD ‘A’ STIGMATA, TRIST, HELHEIM, HYPOTHERMIA, LOITS, DEINONYCHUS, PSYCHONAUT 4, KOLDBRANN, URGEHAL, SACRILEGIUM and BLAZE OF PERDITION
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