Shai Hulud is an American  hardcore punk band with progressive metal[1][2]  influences, originally formed in Pompano Beach, Florida, the band later moved up to Poughkeepsie, New York.

The name comes from the giant sandworms in Frank Herbert's novel, Dune.[4]

The two mainstay members of Shai Hulud are considered to be Matt Fox (guitar), who writes most of the band's musical and lyrical output, and Matt Fletcher (originally guitar, but then moved on to bass), who assists in writing.

Shai Hulud was one of the first bands to be considered "metalcore", in the 90s. They have played metal influenced hardcore long before "metalcore" was even considered a musical genre, but their music cannot be considered metalcore in the modern meaning of the term. This is due to their lack of modern metalcore elements, with the band sticking more closely to their hardcore roots.


A Profound Hatred Of Man

LP12 Double Vinil

19.50 €

A Profund... | Hearts Once Nourished...

LP12 Double Vinil

19.50 €

Reach beyond the sun

LP12 Vinil

17.90 €

Clothing & accessories

Awaken Baseball Longsleeve

Longsleeve T-shirt

22.90 €

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