Sacrilege were a female-fronted thrash metal band from the Midlands region of England. Despite having played relatively few gigs during their existence, Sacrilege are today recognised as an important band; both as an influence on later heavy metal and doom metal bands, and as an example of the blending of hardcore punk, radical politics, and heavy metal that occurred during the 1980s, making Sacrilege one of the prototypical crust punk bands of the time.


'Turn Back Trilobite

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

25.00 €

Behind The Realms of Madness

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

28.90 €

Face The Reaper: The Demos 84-86

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

32.00 €

Live Leeds 1986

Live Leeds 1986

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

18.90 € 25.00 €

My Ghost Malign

LP12 Triple Vinil

79.90 €

The Closing Irony

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

28.90 €

Turn Back Trilobite

LP12 Vinil

18.90 €

Within The Prophecy

LP12 Vinil

18.90 €


Clothing & accessories

Behind the Realms...


20.00 €



20.00 €

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