Dying Fetus is an American  death metal band, known for their outspoken political views, and for being one of the few death metal bands who follow a political nature. Earlier lyrics showcased graphically gory themes.

Constant line-up changes throughout the years have left John Gallagher the only remaining original member. The band's sound is characterized by blast beats, complex riffing and heavy metal slams. The vocals range from very low death growls to more abrasive upper-throat screams


Descend into depravity

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

History Repeats...

LP12 Vinil

22.50 €

Make Them Beg For Death

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

26.90 €

Purification Through Violence

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

24.00 €

Reign supreme

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

Stop at nothing

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

War of attrition

LP12 Vinil

19.50 €

Wrong One To Fuck With

LP12 Double Vinil

29.90 €


Make Them Beg For Death


15.00 €

Clothing & accessories

Stop At Nothing


24.00 €

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