Blind Guardian is a German heavy metal band formed in the mid-1980s in Krefeld, West Germany.[1] The band is often credited as one of the seminal and most influential bands in the power metal and speed metal subgenres,[2] [3] Blind Guardian is a part of the German heavy metal scene that emerged in the mid-1980's.

The band's lyrics, written by vocalist Hansi Kürsch, are inspired by the fiction of fantasy authors such as J. R. R. Tolkien, Stephen King, and Michael Moorcock, as well as traditional legends and epics[4]. Over the years, a running theme has developed associating the band members with travelling bards.


A night at the opera

LP12 Picture Disc

28.90 €

Battalions of fear

LP12 Vinil

20.90 €

Follow the blind

LP12 Picture Disc

24.00 €

Imaginations from the other side

LP12 Double Vinil

25.00 €

Legacy of the dark lands

LP12 Double Vinil

20.00 €

Legacy of the dark lands

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

25.00 €


LP12 Triple Vinil

32.50 €

Somewhere Far Beyond (Revisited)

LP12 Ltd Vinil (Coloured)

35.00 €

The forgotten tales

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

22.90 €

The God Machine

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

36.90 €

Tokyo tales

LP12 Double Vinil (Coloured)

22.90 €

Clothing & accessories



18.90 €

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