Bérurier noir is a French punk band formed in Paris in 1983 by Loran (guitar), François (vocals) and Dédé (drum machine). They called themselves "noir" (black) for the color of mourning (because their first concert was planned to be also their last) and for anarchy and "Bérurier" after the character from the novels of Frédéric Dard. Instead of being an end, the success of their first show inspired them to continue. A cult band, Bérurier Noir were loved by a generation of youth and feared by concert organisers for the riots that followed their shows.



LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

Concerto pour detraques

LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

Joyeux merdier

LP12 Vinil

18.90 €

Macadam massacre

LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

Macadam Massacre

LP12 Vinil

29.90 €

Souvent fauche toujours marteau

LP12 Vinil

17.50 €

Viva bertage

LP12 Double Vinil

23.90 €

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